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Grub Worm Alert

Grub worms are reeking havoc across Austin, destroying many lawns overnight. Do you have them? Contact us and we will check for free.









Free 80 page book, Secrets to a Great Lawn when you request a free lawn analysis online. This book is a great reference guide, and includes information on weeds, insects, fungal and diseases as well as general care, such as when to water and how high to mow.

Our free 16 point analysis includes the following:

1 Soil PH:
If the soil PH isn't right, nitrogen and/or iron isn't available to the plant, because it is bound to the soil.
The first step to proper lawn care is a soil analysis, which is always free to our clientele. If you don't know where you are, how do you know where you are going?
2 Fertility:
This is the sum total of nutrients in your soil. Why add nutrients that may not be needed? Equate this to adding oil to your car without checking the level first.
3 Grass Types:
Most lawns are not made up of one single grass type. It's best to know which types are in your lawn to provide the best care.
4 Turf Density:
It's important to keep your lawn thick as dense, healthy turf discourages weeds and crabgrass.
5 Color:
The color of your grass says a lot about its health. A light colored lawn may mean it's lacking important nutrients. Different varieties of turf have different color optimums.
6 Thatch:
Thatch is a layer of leaves, stems and roots just above the soil. Too much will reduce a lawn's response to fertilizers and affects watering practices. Disease and insects are common where thatch is excessive.
7 Lawn Diseases:
There are many types of diseases that can affect the appearance and health of your lawn. Because diseases are difficult to predict, we can't guarantee your lawn won't be affected by disease. If disease becomes a problem, our lawn care specialists can assist to determine what steps can be taken to help your lawn recover.
8 Soil Type:
Knowing the type and condition of your soil will help determine your lawn's needs. If soil is compacted, core aeration is recommended.
9 Broadleaf Weed:
Some weeds can be very difficult to control. Certain weed spread very rapidly and can quickly choke your grass. It's best to have a professional prescribe the proper weed controls for best results.
10 Mowing:
Few homeowners realize the importance of mowing correctly. Cutting certain grass types too low or infrequently can cause the lawn to turn brown and increases its susceptibility to weed, disease, and crabgrass.
11 Insects:
Thousands of insects live in your grass. Some are helpful, while others threaten your lawn. It's important to know if damaging insects are present in your area so they can be prevented or controlled.
12 Shade:
Being aware of your lawn's exposure to sunlight and shade helps determine the type of grass that grows best in your lawn.
13 Watering:
The amount of water your lawn receives is critical to its health. Improper watering is usually the cause of pale, sparse turf and many diseases and weed problems.
14 Problem Grasses:
Certain grasses are classified as weeds because they disrupt the appearance of your lawn. Annual grassy weeds are reduced with service visits, while most perennial grassy weed are difficult to control.
15 Potential:
Some lawns, no matter how much work is put into them, will never look as lush and healthy as others. Be aware of those who over promise the guarantee of a perfect lawn. You may be disappointed.
16 Present Conditions:
Great looking lawns require continual care. We can help maintain your lawn at its best with our full service, annual lawn care program.

Our lawn program

Schedule service or request an free analysis